Abhishek Sinha
after lots and lots of persuasion from my friend to write a blog about me, i finally agreed to that person this diwali. only stipulation was that questions will be decided by my friends. So here it goes:-
My biggest source of inspiration : My parents.
My biggest strength : My will power. Able to remain calm during adverse situation.
One thing which "will always be" be associated with abhishek sinha : integrity. I think you guys are in better position to answer this question.
What fires up Abhishek : Challenges. Love challenges. it gets me fired up like anything.
One thing which i never forget : Responsibilities.
What upsets me : Hipocracy, unfortunately have seen lots of it in my life.
Something that life taught me : Never have any expectations. It always hurts your feelings.
Favourite song : Tughse naraz nahi...
Every line has significance in my life, it had 10 years back, it still has now.
Maths is : Probability.
Achievements that i am proud of :
In class 7, after mid term I was trailing the guy who came first, Supriya, by 53 marks. one day in bus while returning from school, he just said in mocking way to me that this time no one can beat him, I said i can try, he started laughing. I took it as a challenge and thought of giving my best shot. By god's grace, in finals I came first, he came second. i was ahead my 71 marks. Class 7 was toughest year of my life and to manage this was almost a miracle.
In class 11, got 100 in computer science in annual exams. It was the first time that I got 100, had lost the count of how many times i had got 99 but somehow 100 always eluded me. So it was a great feeling to finally have one in the bag. It also got me marker's cup for computer science. Had set my eyes on it one month before the annual exams, so it was an awesome feeling to achieve it.
In class 12, we used to play cricket in the evening in dps hostel. Once there was a fight between me and a guy and he challenged me for a series between his team and mine. I captained the team and we won the series 6-1.
In engineering during 2nd sem, I had met with an accident on the first day of external exams. My right hand was badly injured. Couldn't have left the exams as it would have resulted in year back, so thought of giving the papers to prevent year back. Each day before exams, used to go to the doctor to get the dressing on my index finger thinner. It used to bleed during exams but then something used to keep me going. Gave engineering graphics and the chemistry lab in the same situation. After this to get 90% was something to be proud of I guess....
During 6th sem, did a project at all India level and came first. Didn't expect it but it happened.
Difference in class 6 and class 7 :
In class 6 I was just like any other school going boy, used to play a lot, lots of tv, enjoy life, had fun, no tensions, full masti.
Class 7 changed everything. Life became hectic. Was doing things which 25+ people will do. Balancing life was one of the major priorities. Learned in those one or two years what people take years and years to find out. Playing stopped. Tensions became part and parcel of my life. In short life changed tracks. Was in peak of my studies in class 7. Unfortunately could never reach that level again what I thought I had at that time.
Cricket meant joy :
Used to play cricket hell lot, district team, watching Sachin bat(not india). I thrived on cricket. But then responsibilities took over and it had to be left for maybe “a more secure job”. I dont think my computer skills come even to close to my cricket abilities. I think people who have seen me in school playing will vouch for that.
Happiest moment of my life :
Without doubt DPS life, loved those two years of my life. Each and every day is still fresh in my memories. I dont think you can get better roommates than what i got there. Will like to mention here different roommates I had in those two years : Abhishek Singh, Ashish, Mayank and Rahul. It wouldn't have been half of fun without you guys. You all rock!!!
Giving "gayan" in DPS :
I was famous in dps for giving advice. People used to come to me with their personal problems (home, girl friends, studies etc etc.) and I was more than happy to help them. They thought I can comprehend situations better than anyone else. Fortunately, my "fundas" used to work and thats what made more and more guys and gals to come to me.
Why don't I ever complain :
What's the use? It will just take out more energy from you without any outcome. So why not put that energy in some constructive use. Anyway I have the habit of moving on with life. I don’t like to regret on my past.
Winning in fests :
I think the credit goes to my partner, Anand. You cant get a better partner. Hats off to him. I enjoy it. It’s a competition and feels great to come on top. People ask me for treat but I regret to inform that not a single guy has given me treat for getting placed which all jokes aside is much much more important than winning in fests.
Love : One of the most beautiful feeling and everyone should experience it at least once in their life.
How I manage such academics with shares and Microsoft / How I manage to do multiple tasks :
All I can say is keep your goals clear or prioritize them and start working on that. Once you do that half of the battle is won. Second half will be won by perseverance. There are few odd failures here and there. Don't get bogged down by those and keep your will power strong. It takes it toll, sometimes you will miss things that you want to do desperately but you have to leave it for greater good. That's what life is. Learn to balance everything in life. Don’t know what more to say.