Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dun just think, do it

Hi, was a little busy these days as my mom has come and was spending some time with her but its nice to be a host for first time in life. Anyway one incident occurred while I was waiting to pick her up at the station last Monday. The train was delayed and I was waiting at the big hall just before the entrance to the stations. There was this old blind person walking with a stick in his hand going around and around. Initially I thought he was a beggar. But after seeing the same man for half an hour, it occurred to me maybe he is not a beggar and wants to go somewhere. Then this dilemma in my mind started “ should I help him , go and ask him or should I just leave him ”. this conflict between mind and heart was mind boggling. While I was in the same state, a man came and caught his hand. After their conversation ( in kannada ) I could make out that that the poor man was trying to reach the plateform since last 1 hour but could not go there, felt such a pain on hearing that. Then that person was escorted by his savior to his destination but I kept cursing myself, why didn’t I help him. This is the usual stuff I think happen with many persons who fear to take that first step forward. So I will like to advice everyone that when u think of something do it, especially if you know if its something nice for someone else and you don’t stand to gain anything from it but that satisfaction, you cant compare it to anything.

While I lied standing there thinking why didn’t I help him, there came a family with a small child of around 1 year. He just kept crawling here and there no matter how much his parents tried to stop him. This brought a smile to my face. Now I will like to tell something, children are something which can bring a smile to my face no matter in whatever situation I may be. In DPS I could be found many times in junior playground just watching these small lovely gods play( you will not believe it, in foul mood i used to bunk classes and do the same). Before my class 10, I always used to have some éclairs in my pockets which I used to give to small children whenever I met them. But one day I saw a mother scolding a child whom I gave an éclair not to accept anything from the strangers and that was the end of this habit.

Coming back to my original point, if you have a chance to do a favor to someone, go and do it happily. You will feel your day was worth something. Believe me!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey thats true...
we normally hesitate to make the first move when a situation comes, we just think as to "..it's none of my business.."
when we come out of this hesitation thing atleast once,it will be easier thereafter....

4/08/2006 1:57 AM  

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